What this blog is
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. The purpose of my blog is to provide in-depth reviews with proven ingredients of scientific merit or interest, compelling or intriguing ingredients, guides to acquiring products, primarily from Asia with a focus on Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. It will also include shameless amounts of nerdiness, usually in relation to skincare. (And snails. I'm all about snails. And Hanbang things. Mmm, fermented goodness.)Feeling the urge to chat about Asian beauty, gossip about your wishlists, rant and rave about products, or whatever else tickles your fancy?
Shoot me an email at snowwhiteandthepear@gmail.com, or you can find me me on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!
What this blog is not
I do not claim to be a medical or licensed professional; if I am expressing an opinion or advice on a product, company, service, etc, it is my own opinion based on my personal experience using said product, etc.Please keep in mind the 'your mileage may vary' risk with skincare; a product that changed my life may (mutually) hate your face, and you may love products that my skin violently rejected. You may always rely on my opinion to be honest, and the information I provide to be as accurate as I have the resources to make it, but they should not be taken as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional.
Affiliate links
This blog uses affiliate links, which are links to retailers who will provide a commission (usually 1% to 8%, depending on the retailer) if you choose to purchase a product using that link. The commission does not add to the cost for the customer; it is strictly from the retailer in question.These funds are used to maintain and support this blog, so that I may continue to add new and improved content to it. There is no obligation to purchase from the links; and I will continue to supply links to multiple sources for products, affiliate and non-affiliate alike, for the convenience of the reader. Any funds generated by purchases via the affiliate links will go toward the upkeep of this blog, not for my personal use; I only wish for the blog to support itself.
**Please note: Affiliate links will be the only source of revenue for this blog: I have never nor will I ever write a paid review, I will not be adding advertisements- not only are they only partially controllable but they add to the load time of a page, and I am not interested in sponsored posts.
Press Samples
I have, on rare occasion, accepted press samples for the purpose of testing and honest review. Any products received for review will be very clearly and openly stated as such; all reviews, thoughts, opinions, and recommendations made by me will not be influenced by the products offered for review, nor will this blog accept requests for 'paid reviews'. Any posts containing content or products not purchased by me will be clearly and fully disclosed.If you are interested in my thoughts on a product or service, please do contact me but please be aware that there are no guarantees I will accept the product, that I will review it positively, or that I will publish a review at all. In the event that I review the product, the content will not be available for preview before publishing.
Please be advised that I have a rigorous and lengthy testing process, so it may be months before I am ready to review a product, depending on how long I feel is needed for testing before it is ready for review.
If you would like to read more about my thought process in making the above decisions, please see this blog post.
All material on this blog is for personal use only and cannot be used for commercial purposes, and full copyright use is retained by me unless credited otherwise. If I have accidentally mis-credited your content, please contact me immediately so I may correct the accreditation, change the content, or remove it. If you wish to share my blog posts, spreadsheets, pictures, and general content, you may do so provided that 1. you do not modify it, 2. you do not use large portions of it without first contacting me for permission, 3. it is for non-commercial use, and 4. you always clearly link back to my blog and credit me.
Last updated: 8/9/2015.
For questions about this blog, please contact snowwhiteandthepear@gmail.com.
For questions about this blog, please contact snowwhiteandthepear@gmail.com.