Spreadsheet & Stash

Originally posted for Weekday Randomness: Testing progress, and I love my spreadsheet on 11/19/2014, and now pinned here for easy reference!

You can see my current routine, with all steps numbered, on the first tab of my spreadsheet.

I love my spreadsheet.

Seriously, without my spreadsheet I would be lost.  Lost! (Click here to view it in all it's glory, and read on for how to use the features to filter what you are looking at!)  Recently a friend let me know that my spreadsheet is apparently appreciated by others as well, so I thought I'd post a quick guide on how to navigate it for the curious. *** I have updated my spreadsheet to simplify it, but the Routine, Stash List, Sheet Mask List, and To Try/Testing Schedule are still there, and all the directions are still correct, so don't worry!

You are welcome to download a copy of the sheet for your personal, non-commercial use; I would just ask that if you share it with others, even if the new version is heavily modified, that you credit back where it came from with a link to this page. 

As you can see in the screencap below, my current Routine tab is just the tip of the iceberg.  The spreadsheet rabbit hole goes far deeper, my friends.

Snow white and the pear spreadsheeet
You don't need to be this detailed, this page is mostly for people who are curious about what products I'm actively using.
In this post:
  • What I've been up to
  • My testing schedule and how much I lurve formulas that do math for me
  • How to navigate my Stash list using filters 
  • Upcoming reviews
In beauty adventures this month, I managed to not only completely lose my camera (it was eventually located in the bottom of the fruit bowl, buried beneath apples of indeterminate age, where it migrated while charging, apparently?) but also needed a new computer.  Fortunately I have a very logical spouse who pointed out that the close proximity of my birthday to Christmas, and the fact that I skipped both last year for financial reasons, it was clearly a perfect opportunity to replace my laptop.  I did not complain; at least not until I experienced the unique hell of Windows 8, but that's a whole other show.

What I have been doing is testing things, working my way through the massive list of things in my stash and Try List.  Each time I update it, I am reminded again why love my spreadsheet so- as it faithfully accommodates my testing whims and fickle priorities with ease.

This lineup can, and has, changed in an instant, with products and dates shuffled around heedlessly, yet my formulas just patiently update all my ETAs in the future.  Who knew the satisfaction some fierce Spreadsheet-Fu could bring?

And it gets better!  I have now updated the tabs for my Stash list to allow viewers to filter it by whatever they wish (Brand Name, Product Name, has it been Tested yet) and here's how you do it.

First, go to the Tab for the Stash list at the bottom:

It's terrifying, I know.  There is method to the madness, I promise.

Let's say that you want to see the info listed by Brand.  Just hover your mouse over that header, and you will see a note pop up with instructions:

So, if you go to Data > Filter View, you will see you have several options, including Brand Name:

Once you select the category you want, you will be able to view the results filtered by that category as you wish! 

This means that you will be able to view things grouped by whatever data interests you the most.  I update the spreadsheet at least once a week, so if you are curious about what I'm testing or my initial thoughts about things, you can take a peek!

As you can see, I have been using the Mizon AHA & BHA Daily Clean Toner, matching AHA 8% Serum, and and OST/C20 Vitamin C serum daily (for some time) but actives are a long-term investment and I am being very cautious with how I introduce things and what I combine with them to ensure I am observing the effects accurately. 

And with that, we're done!  If you have any challenges navigating the spreadsheet, let me know!

All the best,


  1. I love this. I have been considering a skin care diary to help try to figure out, if I can, why one morning my face looks bright and moisturized and others dull with fine lines. But a spread sheet will be so much easier than a written diary to compare and find info later on. Would you consider letting us see updates occasionally to see how your spread sheet changes and what products you are trying/loving/hating? Thanks so much for this post!

    1. "Would you consider letting us see updates occasionally to see how your spread sheet changes and what products you are trying/loving/hating? "

      I actually do update it almost daily, along with small thoughts about the product, did you mean something more in-depth in terms of an update? :)

  2. I love this but good grief, when do you find the time?
    Working full time and running a side business I barely have the energy to blog.
    I do have a handwritten chart pinned in the bathroom. That's the extent of my skin care organization skills.

    1. Haha, I actually find puttering around in my spreadsheet soothing, if you can believe it! Blogging does take a lot of energy, I can't argue with that. ;__;

  3. Replies
    1. I am glad you like it! I can't live without my sheet, haha. It tracks things so I don't have to. ;)

  4. Hi~
    Do you know if you can put regular foam cleansing, serum or esscence or any korean skin care product in your under eye area? most of them doesn´t specify if you should avoid eye area so I´m not sure how to treat that zone,

    1. Hm, I think that's really going to depend on your decision. I personally put some creams under my eyes, but I have also used an eye cream. I don't think Korean skincare is any more, or less, good for undereyes than their western equivalents; it really depends on the product.

  5. Hi,
    How long do you have to wait between using the Corsx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid and Corx A-Sol?
    Thanks for sharing your spreadsheet it's really informative :)

    1. I do 20 min after all actives, including Vit C, AHA, and BHA. You can read more on the post I did called 'Putting your pH dependent products in order" :)

  6. How do you manage the dates with the testing? Is there a formula for it to change color or something when approaching a date?

    1. It's a formula! *pets formulae lovingly* It responds to the changes I make instantly, too, such as if I stop early because something broke me out or I hate it with a passion and refuse to use it anymore. :)

  7. Hi Cat,
    I'm just past the one month mark in my attempt at Korean skincare and I'm more broken out than I've been in years. It's getting more depressing each day and I don't know if I just need to keep giving things a try or if I should do something else, though what, I don't know anymore. My last routine kept me from breaking out only by desiccating the shit out of my skin. I can give a rundown on my routine if it's not a bother for you to throw out suggestions. Thanks.

    1. Hi Sarah,

      I am sorry to hear that you're having such struggles; acne can really do damage to one's self-esteem. If you have already done isolated testing of the products, and a 'back to basics' routine in an attempt to identify what is breaking you out, I'd say the next step would be to consult a medical professional/dermatologist to help pinpoint the cause of the reactions.

      If you haven't done the isolation testing/basic routine steps yet, I would start there- if you had a routine that controlled your breakouts, I would go back to that and then start adding in products 2 weeks apart to see what you can add to that routine that will hydrate your skin without breaking you out.

      I hope things get better for you; keep me posted on how things go!

  8. Wow! I am in awe of your routine! I have been following your blog for awhile and started ordering a few Korean products, but it takes a while for things to ship to Canada or at least to the US border (45 min away). Thanks for reminding me about the benefits of BHA's, I forgot they aren't just for teenagers! My skin goes a bit crazy in the summer with the humidity and SA was just what I needed!
    I am getting to the point where I am forgetting the last time I use things and I think a spreadsheet is the way to go! Is your template something you are willing to share? I am not as spreadsheet savvy as you are and thought maybe you have the template on its own?! If not, I completely understand.

    1. Yes, by all means you can use it as a template (you can go to File > Save as to make your own copy) but I would ask that if you post it anywhere or share it with anyone, that you link back to my blog so it's properly credited. :)

      Take care!

  9. Excel and testing schedules for the win!!! :D

  10. I have slowly worked my way through your immensely informative, helpful and well written posts and am now gearing up towards my own spreadsheet- just wanted to say thank you so much for all the time and effort you spend on sharing your experiences, they have been the "way in" to KB / an Asian Skincare routine for me!

  11. thank god there are people out there like me that keep track of their skincare through spreadsheets! I thought I was the only one. love yours, thanks for sharing!


  12. Hi,

    I have been reading and searching a lot after I first heard about Korean cosmetics. There is an ocean of products and I feel helpless in the search of the right ones for my skin.

    Do you have any suggestions for me?

    I have oily/dehydrated skin, with big pores and some pigmentations. I was hoping for a "simple" ruotine to start with; Cleanser, toner, a couple of serums and a moisturizer.

    1. Hi Sandra,

      I do have a post about just this actually! Beginner's Korean Skincare Routine: Dehydrated Combination-Oily Skin Type:

      Although I can't make specific product recommendations for you as I am not a medical professional, you can always check out my routine posts or Instagram to see what kind of products I've been using myself, as a dehydrated combo-oily skin person. :)

      Take care!

  13. Hi! Thanks for sharing this! I'm going to try making a copy for my own personal use. I have a technical question. I'm trying to add a category QTY tab in excel (I want to add S for sample) but can't figure out how you did it. Help! Thanks.

    1. Glad it was helpful! Do you mean adding a column? If so, you should be able to google it and get a guide with pictures :D

  14. I puffy heart a good speadsheet and this - is a GREAT spreadsheet. Thankyou so much for the work - helps me skip the trial phase and get a great start to my own.

    1. Who doesn't love a good spreadsheet, eh? ;)

  15. I just wanted to check in with you whether you want us to link directly into your spreadsheet or if you want it directed to this particular blog post? :)

    Currently it looks like this, linking to your spreadsheet from the Current Stash and Masks tabs :)

    1. Hi there, it would be better to link to this blog page, as it has the instructions on it and will always have a live link to the current sheet. Thank you for checking! :)

  16. I kept referring to this page for recommendations on what to purchase next or where items fit into my new and growing Asian skincare routine. From there I always somehow end up with 80 new tabs and a list of skincare I NEED IMMEDIATELY. So I've finally decided I might need a spreadsheet of my own!

    So basically what I think I'm trying to say is I am in love with this blog and the Snailcast and the Slide or Die Crew and what you and your blog have done for my skin! (✿◠‿◠)

  17. This spreadsheet is amazing, and I made a simplified version of this in order to track my growing list of skincare....! I was also able to translate some of these Excel skills you used to my real job haha. Thanks !!

  18. Thank you so much for sharing bc I'm looking for a way to track my beauty stash too. But what is TBD? My guess is tested brand ....

    In addition, I have three questions:
    1.Can you create a blog page about your step to step on how you decided to buy something and balance your money? (since I don't see $ list here so I wonder how)
    2.How do you test the product pH? (is there a tool I can buy in Vietnam or DIY way?)

  19. OMD! I absolutely Love this!!!! I'm totally a spreadsheet girl, I actually created one based on products to research according to my skincare needs. You're my new skincare/spreadsheet soul sister lol :)-

  20. WOW! This is amazing! I tried creating a similar spreadsheet, but I don't have your way with formulas, etc. Do you have an updated version you're willing to share? when I try to download your version (for my own personal use) I get an error message.

  21. wow, i am so impressed by your organizational skills! Thanks so much for sharing as I start delving " responsibly and mindfully" into skincare

  22. Hi. Thanks for this wonderful blog. I am currently using extensive Korean routine. Vitamin c in morning and aha in night. How do I add niacinamide (step and in which form like first essence or serum)at night. I would like to add arbutin too. I want to fade our deep acne scars. Thanks.

  23. My jaw just dropped.. you are an absolute genius to come up with this! I looove spreadsheets and organized info! THANKYOU!!!

  24. Is there a place on the sheet somewhere that shows when it was last updated?
